
Fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs
Fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs

fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs

Add some Mariposa super mutants as leaders for the Vault 87 mutants. Add an NPC to Bigtown that explains the story of Little Lamplight getting overrun by mutants and the founding of Bigtown. Mojave chapter of Brotherhood has disdain for Lyons' chapter, but affinity for Outcasts. Some Enclave members will be wearing the Remnants suits from NV because some suits are still functional. Add plot point that Enclave wiped out Midwest BoS from Tactics, explains why there current armor looks the way it does after the oil rig detonation, lost ability to produce Advanced Power Armor from Fallout 2. Add a questline for Majove chapter/Outcast interaction. Tag all Lyons' BoS members as "Lyons' Chapter" to differentiate from real Brotherhood (Mojave and Outcasts) Implement NV-style faction system for Enclave, Lyons' BoS, Outcasts, Big Town, Rivet City, Arefu, Oasis, Paradise Falls, Canterbury Commons, Outcasts. Make any unique items from there just be loot. Remove the children from Little Lamplight, replace with Vault 87 mutant guards. I think I'm going to do this by adding an NPC stuck in the train station that lost her money in Vegas and can't afford to get back home to Old Olney they get a quest to help her home and once there they find out what happened in her absence. Add dead NPCs and possibly survivors to Old Olney so the deathclaw infestation has some drama to it. I'm also expecting the "Fallout 3 is too broke lol you can't fix it" posts. I'm open to any suggestions about things you guys REALLY want changed for things to make sense. I'm bringing this up here because DaC will be the toughest audience for it, and spewing it out here will give me some accountability. The goal would be to add characters, locations and events to Fallout 3's gameworld, in addition to removing some stupid things, in a way to get Fallout 3 and Tactics to jive with the rest of Fallout canon. Below is an outline for ideas I had that I drew up during downtime at work. While this gives you a lot of additional content, it also gives you the all the nonsense and non-Fallout that's Fallout 3. One of the newer mods for it is called Tale of Two Wastelands, which let's you use Fallout 3's resources as an add-on to New Vegas. _ S Y N T A X _ The syntax for the "add item" cheat is player.A lot of people will disagree with me, but I think New Vegas is a decent Fallout game. On North American keyboards, the ~ key is next to the 1 key on the numerical row.

fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs

Now, you can press the TILDE (~) key while the game is in progress to display the cheat console.

fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs

When you launch the game using that shortcut, the game's developer console (the cheat console) will be active. Append the text string -console at the end of the command line in the "Target" box. Fallout New Vegas (PC) Console ID Codes for Itemsīy Dave (eperb12 | Google Mail) _ A C T I V A T I O N _ Create a shortcut to the game executable (this is applicable to Windows XP, Vista, and 7).

Fallout new vegas geck place dead npcs